Nutrition requirement in pregnancy increases as there is increased demand as well as due to the physiological changes that happen in pregnancy. Pregnant women are required to take high protein diet and varieties of food to get a balanced diet.
Pregnant woman daily requirements :
300-450 extra kilocalories in pregnancy
1gm/kg weight of proteins
1000mg of calcium
60mg of iron
Foods that can be considered safe
- Vegetables and fruits
Patients can have all varieties of vegetables and fruits except few.
Green leafy vegetables, carrot, beetroot, broccoli are all rich powerhouse of folate and vitamin A.
Green leafy vegetables, dry fruits, nuts, jaggery, pomegranate, beetroot are good for improving haemoglobin.
Fruit that need to be avoided:
Raw papaya, is considered to have a chemical called papain, which in large quantities can cause miscarriage.
Milk and milk products like curd, buttermilk, paneer, cheese are good source of vitamin D and calcium. Avoid non pasteurised milk or such products
However, eat variety of vegetables and fruits on a daily basis that can meet the demand of all the nutrient requirements.

Milk In Pregnancy
Pregnant woman can have aversion to milk and in such cases, they can consume almonds, walnuts, broccoli, spinach, ragi, for source of calcium other than regular supplements.
Can I have tea or coffee?

Excess amount of coffee, more than 200mg/day can cause miscarriage, low birth. It can also aggravate the gastric regurgitation of food, sleep disturbances, increased frequency of urine. It is best to avoid coffee in the first trimester and if required limit to 1-2 cups per day.
Ginger tea is good in the first trimester as it reduces the nausea and vomiting.
Avoid excess tea intake as it can contain caffeine too.
Can I eat spicy food or cravings for chats?
Limit spice intake as the digestion is slow in pregnancy and acidity and gastric disturbances are more with spice intake.
Avoid eating street foods as it can be contaminated and can cause food poisoning, however you can eat freshly made homemade chaats.
Can I eat sprouts?
Sprouts are a good source of proteins but preferably eat after washing it thoroughly and cooking it well.
Can I have saffron milk?
Saffron is good in pregnancy as it can boost a good sleep quality, regulate mood swings, reduce morning sickness and is good for digestion. However, avoid taking it to change the skin colour of the baby, as it is a myth. Skin colour of the baby depends on the gene of the parent.

Meat and Fish
Meat is a good source of iron and protein. Fish is a good source of iron, iodine, choline, omega-3 fatty acid which are important for the development of fetal brain.
Preferably eat meat that is freshly cooked at home and fish that is obtained from fresh lakes.
Meat or fish that should be avoided:
Avoid processed meat.
Avoid liver products as it contains excess retinal especially during first 5 months during organ development.
Avoid undercooked meat/raw meat of any type.
Avoid large fish like King mackerel, shark, swordfish, marlin.
Avoid eating raw egg as it can be a source of salmonella infection leading to food poisoning.