VR Chest and Women Care


Our hospital offers a wide range of state-of-the-art facilities to provide the highest quality care to our patients.


Procedures for interventional pulmonology include

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites

asthma and allergy

We offer comprehensive testing services and state-of-the-art treatment for asthma and allergy, some of these include

Preterm Labour

If patient goes into labour before 37 completed weeks, its considered as preterm. It can happen due to variety of reasons including, vaginal infection, urinary infection, short cervix etc.
Usually, a course of steroids and antibiotics given and we try to continue pregnancy. Outcome depends on the weight of the baby as well as he facility available including good NICU care for the baby.

Diabetes in Pregnancy

Patients with family history, PCOS, obesity, advanced age are at increased risk of developing diabetes in pregnancy. It can have variety of health impacts on the mother as well as the fetus.
Uncontrolled sugars can increase the fluid content inside, can increase the weight of the baby and rarely can be associated with fetal loss. Special care with diet and exercises along with medications is required.

Cervical Cerclage

A woman with repeated abortions or preterm delivery may have a very short cervix. The strength of the cervix to hold the pregnancy inside is lost and hence a cervical stitch is placed around 3rd month of pregnancy.
Not all pregnancies with short cervix (length <2.5cm) require the stitch.
A cervical cerclage in well -chosen candidate will help to carry the pregnancy till term.

Hypertension in Pregnancy

A woman may develop BP in pregnancy after 5 months or the pre-existing BP may raise. The culprit here is abnormal placenta and blood factors.
It requires intense monitoring, treatment. We may have to deliver the patients early. The BP comes to normal only after the baby is delivered.
It can cause both complications in the mother as well as the baby and hence the need to deliver at the set up with adequate facilities.

Cesarean Section

A mode of delivery in which abdomen is opened in layers and a nick is given on the uterus to deliver the baby. Common procedure but recovery will be slow and pain would be more compared to the normal delivery.
Associated with risk of repeat surgery in future, risk of placenta getting stuck to the uterus causing heavy bleeding in the second pregnancy, small risk of scar giving away in the next childbirth.


It’s the terminology used for vaginal birth after a cesarean section.
Different factors like gap between the pregnancy, baby weight, any infection after cesarean, cause for prior surgery are taken into consideration.
A good facility with anesthesia and blood bank is required for a patient to undergo VBAC


Fetal loss before the viability period is called abortion. It is the most distressing situation for the parents.
It can happen due to variety of reasons including Chromosomal problems, blood disorders, thyroid or uncontrolled sugars, structural problems in the uterus.
A single episode of abortion doesn’t warrant detailed evaluation.

Twin Pregnancy

Can be diagnosed as early as 6 weeks of gestation by ultrasound. Can happen due to genetics, or use of ovulation medicine or injection for fertility treatment. Advanced age also increases the risk.
Twin gestation can be associated with more complications depending on the type of pregnancy in scanning. A healthy normal twin gestation can even go for a vaginal delivery trial.


Uterus removal surgery is a commonly done procedure for fibroid uterus, cancer of the uterus, uterine prolapse, excess bleeding during menstruation etc. It can be done via laparoscopy, vaginal, or abdominal route. Uterus is removed along with the tubes and with or without removal of ovaries.

Prolapse of Uterus

It’s a condition majorly seen in elderly patients where the uterus with or without bladder and rectum, descends down due to the lax ligamments or support. It can cause discomfort due to the uterus bulging out, can cause difficulty in passing urine or stools.

Laparoscopy Surgery

Laparoscopy surgery is a commonly done procedure in gynecology. A small nick given at 2-3 places in the abdomen measuring about 0.5 to 1cm. Instruments are introduced through these small incisions and surgical field is visualized through the TV monitor and procedures is carried out. The blood loss is reduced to a great extent and the recovery is very quick with very minimal pain. Patients are discharged on the same day and can get back to work quickly. Varieties of the procedures like infertility treatment, tubal test, ovarian yst removal, fibroid removal and hysterectomy, family planning surgery are done through laparoscopy.


Myomectomy is a surgery where a nick is given on the uterus, fibroid is removed and the uterus incision is sutured back. The fibroid is removed via a specialized instruments called morcellator where fibroid is cut into small pieces and removed through the small incision via laparoscopy. The surgery is required in patients who are having infertility due to fibroid, if the fibroid grows big in size or in case of failure to respond to medical treatment

Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

ENDOMETRIOSIS is a condition where the menstrual blood is deposited in the pelvis, over ovarian surface. It can distort the normal position of the tubes and ovaries, causing infertility. It can cause chocolate cyst in the ovary. It can also be attached to the bowel and cause excess abdomen pain.

ADENOMYOSIS is a condition where we see deposition of the menstrual blood within layers of the uterus muscle, causing excess pain during menstruation


Infertility or difficulty in conceiving is one of the common problem faced by todays generation, especially with delay in marriage and delay in planning pregnancy due to variety of socio-economic reasons.
The Problem could be because of advanced age, anovulation, PCOS, blockage of tubes, endometrial factors in fenales
Also, 30% of the problem lies with semen abnormalities.
A thorough evaluation is required if the couple fail to conceive after a period of 1 year of unprotected intercourse. A early approach to treatment is required in patients who are already near their 40’s or if they have PCOD and irregular cycles

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