As the name suggests, it is not a regular contraception but a pill that can be used for emergency purpose only, where there has been an unprotected intercourse. It can be used only before pregnancy and not as a form of abortion.

Some examples could be:
- If you have forgotten to use regular contraception like condoms
- If the condom is broken or torn
- If you have had unprotected sex without any form of contraception
There are different kinds of emergency pills:
Most commonly available one is I-Pill (Levonorgestrel 1.5mg). The medicine is available over the counter in India
When to take?
Can be taken up to 72 hours from the day of unprotected intercourse, but earlier would be better.
How to take?
I Pill 1.5mg single dose is taken soon after the unprotected intercourse within 3 days.
I pill 0.75mg, is to be taken as 2 doses 12 hours apart.
How does it help?
It inhibits or delays ovulation but doesn’t prevent implantation of an already fertilized egg.
What is the effectiveness?
Pregnancy rate after use of I pill is around 2.2%. Being overweight or obese can slightly reduce the effectiveness of the pill. However, if you have missed periods, there is a need to consult your doctor and do urine pregnancy test.
Side effects:
Nausea (12%), headache (19%) are the most common side effects
Irregular bleeding or spotting can happen after the intake of I pill. It usually doesn’t require any treatment and resolves by itself.
Can I continue pregnancy if I take I pill and still get pregnant?
Yes. The available scientific data do not suggest any adverse effect of contraception on the fetus and doesn’t increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
How soon should I do pregnancy test after intake of I pill?
You should wait for your expected period date and after 3-4 days can do the pregnancy test if you have missed periods or if there are irregular cycles.
I have forgotten to use protection and 3 days already crossed. Can I still take I pill?
Answer is No. Rather, you can consult your doctor who can give you other tablets like Ulipristal acetate which need prescription or if you are a candidate for copper T, it can be inserted within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. Copper T is also a choice if you are looking for a regular, long term method of contraception.
Can I use I pill multiple times in the same cycle?
Its preferable to avoid using I pill multiple times, as it can cause irregular bleeding and also efficacy would be reduced. If the need arises, it’s better to switch to regular form of contraception like regular hormonal pills for 21 days or condoms.
Can I use in breastfeeding?
Is there any age restriction for the use if I pill?
When should I consult doctor?
If you have missed periods or if there is persisting irregular bleeding and abdominal pain after I pill usage, you need to visit doctor to rule out pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy.