VR Chest and Women Care

Breast Cancer And Screening

Breast cancer is one of the common cancers among the women worldwide. Screening test helps to evaluate and detect cancer at an earlier stage and aggressive treatment would be prevented and survival rate improved.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

1.Lump in the breast, which may grow rapidly and appear over a very short period of time.

Lumps can occur in women as early as 20 years also. There can be formation of breast cysts or fibro-adenoma which are not cancerous. Also, an abscess or pus collection may occur commonly in breastfeeding mothers, which can present with fever, pain and lump.

Most of the breast cancers present with a very short history of few days only and they grow rapidly, may feel stony hard with sudden increase in pain.

2.Pain in the breast

3.Blood stained discharge from the nipple

4.Swelling in the armpits (lymph node swelling)

5.Retraction of the nipple

6. Loss of weight and appetite

7.Bone pain and skin ulcers, can happen at a late stage of cancer

  1. Self Breast Examination

Women need to be aware of the normal structure of the breast so that any abnormality can be detected early. Examination Is suggested once every month after the menstrual cycle, to look for any lump, discharge from the nipple, lump in the armpit etc. There are chances that you may not detect cancer until lump is increased in size, hence the need to get other screening tests.

  • Mammogram

It is an X-ray of the breast. Screening test is suggested starting from the age of 40 years till 74 years, once every year. After the age of 55 years, the test can be done in once in 2 years till the age of 74 years.

If any abnormality is detected in mammogram, then further tests like biopsy maybe recommended by the doctor. There is a small risk of radiation exposure, slightly increased chance of over-diagnosis and follow up treatment.

  • USG breast or sonomammogram

If any lump is detected in the breast and there is pain, in case of dense breast tissue, then USG breast is suggested before the age of 40 years. USG may show a cyst in the breast or fibroadenoma which are benign breast lesions. These lesions grow slowly over a period of time, do not get cured with medicines and may require removal if it grows big in size.

  • MRI breast

Generally suggested for women who are at very high risk of breast cancer (if genetic mutation for breast cancer has been detected), where screening has to be started as early as 30 years.

Who is at a higher risk of breast cancer?

Age>50 years Females
Having kids after the age of 30 years
Nullipara or not bearing child
Not breast feeding the child
Early menarche and late menopause
Family history of breast or ovarian cancer
Genetic mutation like BRCA1/2 in the family members
History of radiation to the chest before 30 years
Hormonal replacement therapy

How do we reduce the risk?

Avoid excess smoking and alcohol intake.
Regular exercise.
Avoid getting obese.
Avoid ultra-processed food.

Be aware of the breast cancer and don’t panic…..